Thirteen Apple Trees
Based on documents from the period, archive records, and Albert Wass’ novel Thirteen Apple Trees, the stage book serves as a frame of reference in which to present the plight and perseverance of a small people set to persist in the "Great World Order".
Performance length: 3 hour(s) 20 minutes
Number of breaks: 1
Lóránt Harasztosi
Lilla Borbála Fogarasi
Gábor Bakos-Kiss guest artist
Attila Ferenczi guest artist
Andrea Koncz guest artist / Eszter Ács / Ágota Szilágyi
László Szabó Sebestyén guest artist
Tibor Tóth guest artist
Johann Wischer guest artist
Krisztina Berzsenyi
Gábor Dobos
Krisztián Ködmen
Gabi Kónya
Ákos Sándor Trimmel