King Stephan
Published in 1934, this tragedy presents the protagonist with a dilemma that resonates through the ages: whether to bequeathe his throne to the foreign but Christian Pietro Orseolo or to the Hungarian but pagan Vazul. Must we always choose between East and West? According to director Nándor Berettyán, Piarist monk and poet Sándor Sík’s play is ever-topical and needs no updating, since the king’s succession problem raises the fateful question that has faced Hungarians over the past thousand years.
Performance length: 1 hour(s) 45 minutes
László Szabó Sebestyén guest artist
Hanga Martos / Réka Bubik e.h.
Martin Mészáros guest artist
Lili Lujza Battai e.h.
Bálint Maczky-Kő e.h.
Közreműködnek a Szent István Egyetem Rippl-Rónai Művészeti Karának színészhallgatói:
Buvári Lilla, Földi Csenge, Gyimesi Ádám, Gyöngyössy Csenge, Gyulai Marcell, Kalivoda Imre, Kelemen Márk, Kovács Boglárka, Ladács Fanni, Maczky-Kő Bálint, Rajnai Lázár, Szentiványi Nikolett
Péter Ondraschek
Krisztina Berzsenyi
Márk Horváth guest artist
István Berecz
Kati Gróf
Ágnes Lovass
Gábor Vida