Imre Madách: The Tragedy of Man MITEM
Physical Theatre Performance(Non-verbal)
Georgia's State University of Theatre and Film comes to Budapest for the second time to present Madách's masterpiece. The Tragedy of Man Outer Space Scene was produced as part of MADÁCH PROJECT 2023 in the frame of the International Theatre Olympics in Hungary. Inspired by the Project experience, the institution decided to stage the complete work next semester, this time in the form of a full-length physical theatre production.
Performance length: 1 hour(s) 30 minutes
Mari Engureli, Nino Nozadze, Mariam Avaliani, Liza Nikvashvili, Mariam Kipiani, Michel Zaqaidze, Anuki Bubuteishvili, Nino Khositashvili, Shoti Kiria, Demetre Chokheli, Ani Talakvadze, Kote Liparteliani, Tudebi Godwin, Nikolozi Gogidze
Director, choreographer, stage designer, costume designer: Tata Tavdishvili and Tato Geliashvili
Composer: Michél Zaqaidze
Technical assistant: Nana Bibilashvili