1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800

Tato Geliashvili

Tato Geliashvili is a director, costume/set – designer, choreographer and performer actor. He is a artistic director at Cultural center in Marneuli. His professional experience is diverse, he works with various directors, as a set/costume designer  and choreographer, as well as staging performances and  in Georgia. He is a participant of many  international project in Georgia and other countries. Tata and Tato are artistic partners more than 8 years, For their performances they are making directing, Choreography , set/costume design together. 

Awards and prizes of the performance: The Best Acting Award, The Best Outstanding acting (WTEA , BEIJING CHINA, GUILIN CHINA)

Earlier works

Tato Geliashvili