1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800
Written by Alexandra Felseghi, based on an idea by Andrei Măjeri

Second-rate goddesses

Concept and direction: Andrei Măjeri
In Romanian with Hungarian and English subtitles.
Written by: Alexandra Felseghi, based on the idea of ​​Andrei Măjeri
Cast: Elena Ivanca, Ioana Dragoș Gajdó, Silvia Luca
Directed by: Andrei Măjeri
Sound design: Adrian Piciorea
Costume: Lucian Broscățean collection
Jewelry: Monom by Georgiana Ciceo
Light design: Andrei Ignat
Make-up: Mara Rădulescu
Main producer: creart / Teatrelli
Co-producers: Lucian Blaga National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca, Mária of Oradea
Queen Theatre, Mihai Eminescu Theatre of Botoșani.

Main producer: creart / Teatrelli
Co-producers: Lucian Blaga National Theatre of Cluj-Napoca, Mária of Oradea Queen Theatre, Mihai Eminescu Theatre of Botoșani.


The performance was organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute in Budapest on the occasion of Romanian Culture Day.


In Romanian with Hungarian and English subtitles