1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800
Eugene Labiche - Mark Michel

An Italian Straw Hat

Un cappello di paglia di Firenze

Fadinard, solitary
Nonancourt, nursery owner
Vézinet, deaf
Tardiveau, accountant
Bobin, Nonancourt's nephew
Émile Tavernier, lieutenant
Felix, Fadinard's servant
Hélène, daughter of Nonancourt

Anita Polyák e.h.

Anaïs, wife of Beauperthuis
Baroness Champigny
Clara, a fashion saleswoman
Virginie, the Beauperthuis' maid
Clotilde, the Baroness's maid

Ilka Sipos e.h.

Clown decorators

Dávid Róbert Krauter e.h.

Tamás Ábel Winkler e.h.

Pianist, conductor

Csilla Bellus

As well as the wedding party:

Bangó Ernest eh., Holló Patrik Albert eh., Steeinhuis Raul eh. – SZFE acting artist class IV. grade. The SZFE dramatist-musician II will also participate in the performance. year students.
Head teachers: Szabolcs Mátyássy and László Méhes

Set and costume designer

Buhagiar Dragoş


Şirli Vasile

The translator of the lyrics

Ferenc André


Csilla Bellus

Gabi Kónya

Tolmács and the director's colleague

Patrícia Horváth

Dóra Pap

Assistant Director

Ákos Sándor Trimmel

07 March 2025

Thursday, 20 March 07:00 p.m.

Main Stage


Sunday, 13 April 03:00 p.m.

Main Stage