1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800
Miklós Zelei

Zoltán Reburied

The “tragic-grotesque” work of Miklós Zelei, who has studied Kisszelmenc and Nagyszelmenc, is an Eastern Europe Romeo and Juliet. A couple, separated by a border drawn by history, remain forever bride and groom. Even in death, they do not lie side by side, in one cemetery. Neither the Iron Curtain nor the official border crossing is opened for the funeral procession in the now world famous neighboring villages, almost one settlement that was split by the Soviet-Czechoslovak and later Ukrainian-Slovak border. The production is performed by the Gyula Illyés Hungarian National Theatre of Beregszász (Berehovo in western Ukraine), which gives the work authenticity, since for the members of the group the situation of living across borders is an everyday experience.

17 November 2014