The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui MITEM 16
A gangster drama in the style of the American 1920s gradually turns into a parable about the formation of another dictator. Taking over trade in Chicago, the bandit Arturo not only rises to wealth and power - he destroys souls - buys, corrupts. Ui's career is unstoppable among corrupt government men, greedy merchants and helpless commoners. Brecht conceived his satirical pamphlet on Hitler and his accomplices in forced emigration. At that time, in his homeland, in Germany, Nazism was only gaining ground, and no one knew what tragic consequences it would lead to. But Brecht sensed the coming catastrophe and tried to warn about it. More than 80 years have passed since that time, several generations have changed. It seemed that everything remained in the distant past. But today, what seemed completely unreal, has acquired visible, grim outlines - a great war has broken out in the center of Europe. A new Arturo Ui - our contemporary - entered the arena of history. Brecht's play is divided into separate chapters. The playwright gave short comments to each chapter. This is a reference to certain historical events that became milestones in Hitler's career. Modern history has written new commentaries for the chapters of this play. Because if you recall the biography of the modern dictator, you are struck by the many direct parallels with the events of Brecht's play. Only the timeline is somewhat different. But the same mechanisms, the same human defects, worked in the transformation of a petty scoundrel into a bloody tyrant. According to the Brechtian tradition, the performance includes songs performed live.