1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800

The Master and Margarita Stage version of Russian classic

Whoever said that there is no such thing as real, unfailing love? Whoever they are, they deserve to have their lying tongues torn out! Follow us, follow us, we’ll show them what real love is!

Margarita said that the reason she set off that day with the yellow flower was for the Master finally to find her. Otherwise she would have poisoned herself. Love grew up between them like a murderer appearing in a narrow alley, inflicting its wounds on both of them. Later Margarita would claim that this was not what happened, that they had started to love each other much earlier, when they had not yet met or even seen each other.

There really are miracles, and anyone who pays a visit to the National Theatre can be part of one.
They can see that the written word is never destroyed, that what we desire most comes true, at most in a different dimension, and that even gravity really can be overcome.
01 April 2005