1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800
Carlos Pascual

The conversion of the devil

In the XVI Century, after Spain conquered Mexico, a profound evangelization quest took place to convert the native population. The religious orders, mainly Dominicans and Franciscans, used theatrical representations to pass the biblical teachings and stop them from carrying on with human sacrifices instead. However, the two orders had different strategies and got into a political struggle to win the domain of the colonizing theatre of the New World. Theater as a representation of humanity in the Franciscan utopia against the inquisitorial censorship of the Dominicans, who were determined to erase a cosmogonic and ancestral spiritual heritage. “The Devil´s Conversion” opens a debate about whether the spiritual conquest of Mexico was really achieved.


Awards and prizes of the performance:
- Mario Marín´s costumes for La Conversión del Diablo were selected as part of the WORLD COSTUME IN ACTION at the Bucharest Scenography Biennale of the National Theatre this year.
-The play has received nominations for best play, best costumes and best choreography at the Critics and the Metro awards in Mexico. 


Tuesday, 29 April 07:00 p.m.

Main Stage (Stage auditorium)



Wednesday, 30 April 07:00 p.m.

Main Stage (Stage auditorium)


Last time on stage

National Theatre Company of Mexico / Compañía Nacional de Teatro de México

Spanish, Maya and Nahuatl languages with Hungarian and English subtitles