1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800
József Szarvas - László Bérczes

Snowfall, or It’s Easy for You, Józsi Szarvas…

Individual performance by József Szarvas

“In the morning, they couldn’t open the door. The snow was ledge-high. It kept falling hard, relentlessly, for days on end. At dawn, the Kid climbed out the window, holding a storm-light in front of him. He went out to shovel the snow. He saw nothing but the lamp-light and the curtain of snow, he heard nothing but silence. The silence that would never come back again. Nor would the show, the snow that falls in the night, in blind darkness, lit only by a small lamp. The snow that falls.”

A sixty-year-old man pauses for a moment to look back and meet his past self. The young boy of a hamlet, the butcher’s apprentice in Debrecen, the assistant actor of the Csokonai Theatre, the student of acting commuting on the “black train” back and forth, the actor of the Vígszínház, the Kaposvár Theatre and then the New National Theatre, and master of the Fairy Garden in Viszák and the Attila Kaszás Barn Theatre… He pauses for a moment, then walks on, treading his path. A path that includes this show.

József Szarvas and László Bérczes co-authored the book It’s Easy for You, Józsi Szarvas, a biographical novel published in summer 2018. They then wrote the stage version titled Snowfall.

27 January 2019