Othello 14
“…you’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse; you’ll have your nephews neigh to you…”
This is one of Shakespeare’s most vulnerable plays, rife with clichés and coups de theatre. It is an erotic thriller, a chilling, haunting tale of the power of appearances and the fragility of human trust. A story of vile treachery, passion and innocence. Even in its day, the play built on the public’s latent xenophobia, playing with glee into the stereotype that black people are filled with elementary sexuality and seek animalistic pleasure. “…you’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse; you’ll have your nephews neigh to you…,” hollers Iago into the Venetian night, rousing the girl’s father and relatives.
But Venice needs the Moor, this lonesome, aging soldier, who cherishes the memory of his royal roots at the heart of his self-esteem. But how can this black man out of nowhere, of all people, be Commander of the haughty island, a republic in appearance, but actually a cunning, greedy minor power built on piles of interest, diplomacy and sophistication? Is he Commander because of his strength or special physical features? Oh, no! It takes not brawn to run the Venice Navy, but intellect, a sense of strategy, firmness, a strong will, and charisma. “…for their souls, Another of his fathom, they have none…,” says of the Commander his confidante and sworn enemy.