1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800
Witold Gombrowicz

Operetta 16

With merciless acumen, Gombrowicz analyzes the absurdities of the century through a parody of the operetta. For the director Andrzej Bubień, the most dreadful thing is how Gombrowicz’s depiction of the world, which at the time when the work was written (the 1960s) was little more than a hypothesis, has become a reality. One no longer speaks of the decline of the West as a possibility! Ideologies have spread across Europe and the world that find justifications for all kinds of violence, ideologies in the name of which people become the tools of deranged, depraved leaders. The storm of history portrayed in the drama is not merely an abstraction. Rather iIt seems to be an ever more is a palpable part of our lives, and not as something we watch transpire on distant continents, but rather as something that threatens to break out – or indeed has already broken out – a few hundred kilometers from here.

05 September 2014