1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800
Written and directed by Alessandro Serra

Macbettu MITEM

from William Shakespeare’ Macbeth

Performance length: 1 hour(s) 30 minutes

Cast and creatives

Actors: Fulvio Accogli, Andrea Bartolomeo, Giovanni Carroni, Stefano Mereu, Maurizio Giordo, Mirko Iurlaro, Felice Montervino. Alessandro Burzotta


Direction, scenery, lights, costumes: Alessandro Serra
Sardinian translation and linguistic consultant: Giovanni Carroni
Stage movement collaboration: Chiara Michelini
Music pietre sonore: Pinuccio Sciola
Composition of  pietre sonore: Marcellino Garau
Production: Teatropersona, Sardegna Teatro

Last time on stage

Wednesday, 04 May 07:00 p.m.

Main Stage


Sardegna Theatre, Teatropersona Company, Cagliari, Italy

Performed in Sardinian with English and Hungarian surtitles