Oresteia MITEM
Why does The Oresteia continue to exert such a tremendous attraction? One answer might be our need for a deeper relationship with Myth. The myth of The Oresteia is dangerous, belonging to the world of the strange and unknown, arousing terror because it reveals the intractable, the violent, and the deepest laws that cannot be tamed. Clytemnestra invites us to join in breaking the mirror, so that a new nightmarish image will be created from its shards, while the dark roots of the myth are preserved. We intend to dig deep into the myth of The Oresteia and to search for the unpredictable, the unusual, and the paradoxical. The characters offer their bodies at the altar of the unfamiliar, posing constant questions and dilemmas. The aesthetics of the production arise from the dynamic relationship of the Body with Myth, Time and Memory. We once again ask the fundamental ontological question, “What is it about?”, a question to which there are no definitive answers, but which constantly drives us towards ever deeper research into the roots of sounds, words, the multidimensionality of the human enigma, and the reconstruction of a new Myth.
Theodoros Terzopoulos