1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800
Radu F. Alexandru

Gertrude MITEM

1 hour(s) 25 minutes

Gertrude – Claudiu Bleonț

Hamlet – Marius Manole

Claudius – Mircea Rusu

Horatio – Alexandru Potocean

The Ghost – Marius Bodochi

Polonius – Paul Chiribuță

Ofelia – Lari Giorgescu


Stage designer: Dragoș Buhagiar
Costume designer: Dragoș Buhagiar
Choreographer: Florin Fieroiu
Composer: Vasile Șirli
Dramaturge: Radu F. Alexandru
Lighting design: Dragoș Buhagiar
Lighting design assistents: Daniel Mateescu, Ștefan Dumitra
Sound: Liviu Stoica, Bogdan Golumbeanu

Awards and prizes of the performance

The performance was presented during the tour of the National Theater from Bucharest to Chisinau on the occasion of the 9th edition of the Romanian National Theaters' Meeting, 2024


Selection of reviews

- "Silviu Purcarete's Gertrude is an accomplished visual-cinematographic poem. With great acting roles. A rapid and intense dissection, a film of essential frames, those that name the insidiousness of sin and the darkness of Power. A lesson in the anatomy of theatre. Of life. A Japanese saga around guilt. A story of exceptional artistry about the absolute purity of theatre as mystery and performance." Marina Constantinescu – Romania Literară

- Gertrude" – the staging at the National Theatre in Bucharest of the world-renowned director Silviu Purcarete's production based on the text of the greatest contemporary Romanian playwright of the theatre of ideas, Radu F. Alexandru - is the queen of the 2023-2024 season in Romania." Horia Ghibuțiu – Journalist’s Blog

- A magnificent all-male cast, with cadaverous faces, almost deformed, despairing, decomposing, on which, because of sweat, the white greyness spreads in a (more obscure) light, perform, in a perfect symbiosis, a "sonata of ghosts" at the border between reality and dream, between day and night". Dana Pocea, Contemporanul Magazine

- An all-male cast, like in Shakespeare's time. Is this a proposal, a clever play, an arch over time between the great Will's Hamlet and the hypertext, as Genette would have said, of Radu F. Alexander? Possibly. But I'm sure the performance Gertrude is very close to perfection. It reminded me of Phaedra, the anthologized performance directed by the same Purcarete at the National Theatre from Craiova". Mircea Morariu, Contributors / HotNews


Friday, 23 May 07:00 p.m.

Main Stage


Last time on stage

“I. L. Caragiale” National Theatre of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania

Romanian with Hungarian and English subtitles