1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800

Vlad Troitskyi

Vladyslav Troitskyi was born in Ulan-Ude, Russia, 1964. He graduated at the Radio Technician faculty of Kiev Polytechnic Institute in 1987, and finished post-graduate course at Kiev Polytechnic Institute in 1990. In 2002 he received his diploma in acting and directing at the Russian Theatre Art Academy in Moscow. Troitskyi is the founder, director and art director of DAKH Centre of Contemporary Arts, where he directed more than 35 performances. In 2004 he founded the “DakhaBrakha” ethno-chaos band, and in 2007 he launched an audio-visual-theatre-literature-philosophic art project: Festival of Contemporary Art "GogolFest". He is also founder of the Dakh Daughters Band.

Vlad Troitskyi