1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800

Péter Galambos

Péter Galambos completed his studies in theatre direction at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest, but earlier he had also pursued studies in the fine arts, majoring in applied graphic arts.

He is a theatre director first and foremost, but he also designs scenery and write the scripts for the productions, naturally working in close collaboration with his colleagues, since he regards community and teamwork as important values. The visually captivating set designs are clearly in part the product of his work in the fine arts. As a director and stage designer he has created many remarkable productions, working together with the artists of the theatre companies of the Új Színház (New Theatre), the Veszprém Petőfi Theatre, the Theatre and Art Base in Zsámbék, the Bárka Theatre, the Vörösmarty Theatre, the Jászai Mari Theatre, the Gárdonyi Géza Theatre, the Ruttkai Éva Theatre, the Szeged National Theatre, the Centrál Theatre, the Madách Theatre, and the Budapest Kamaraszínház.

Péter Galambos