1095 Budapest, Bajor Gizi park 1. +361/476-6800
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Three leading theatres in Budapest present nine of their best productions in English to international programmers, theatre experts and critics. In their four-day intense programme the Katona József Theatre, the National Theatre’s new management and the young Örkény Theatre offer a selection of their best productions with strong international appeal with English surtitles or simultaneous translation.

In today’s Hungary plays like Mein Kampf by George Tabori or Brecht’s Arturo Ui, as well Hunting Scenes from Lower Bavaria by Martin Sperr gain special significance, while productions directed by Tamás Ascher (Ivanov and Shockheaded Peter), Viktor Bodó (Rattled and Disappeared) or Andrei Serban (Three Sisters) among others also present some of the best work of the past few years.

Further programmes include a presentation of each company, rehearsed readings and rehearsals of new Hungarian plays in English, as well as informal discussions with Cross-Section’s fifty guests arriving from most European countries, but also Australia and the US.


Further information: Anna Lengyel, Edina Kenesei

hungariancrosssection@gmail.com or alengyel@yahoo.com or

(07 February 2011)